Destroyed illusions, but always: new order in the absurd, surrealistic compositions, Brecht (Bertold), go ahead, break the context, push it, an egg as a core, well, Susanna Hofer’s flowers can grow on stone, blurred boundaries, crumpled materiality, always gentle, when light is moving, Tableau vivant and advertising; question: what is actually real and is this it? Collecting, shifting, and suddenly: a napkin speaks, it’s alive, can you hear it?
Susanna Hofer studied literature and communication, art, media and photography. She juxtaposes classical still life, tableau vivant and commercial photography, in the context of botanical constructions and sculpture. Her practice involves collecting, arranging and archiving everyday objects. She translates one medium into another, creating surrealistic images that are always linked to socio-documentary themes. Hofer’s derangement of the familiar is reminiscent of Brechtian strategies of destroying illusions—alienation as a challenging means of opening up a critical view of reality through irritation. Question: Is this real?